Library Rules

Library Rules and Patron Guidelines  

Columbiana Public Library welcomes and encourages the community to visit the library for both pleasure and business, and to participate in its programs. To ensure that your visit is productive and pleasant for you and for other patrons, please observe the following guidelines: 

A. Beverages are permitted in the library if they have a lid. Food is only permitted in the meeting rooms, with permission from the Director. 

B. Please use soft voices when talking to other patrons and library staff. Loud talking disturbs others. Please use courtesy when operating library equipment. (Two (2) warnings, then dismissal from the library for one (1) day.) 

C. Rowdy and boisterous behavior is annoying to other patrons and a danger too. Running, shoving, and fighting are not acceptable behaviors. (Two (2) warnings, then dismissal from the library for one (1) day.) 

D. Furniture and facilities should be used for their intended purposes. 

E. Seating at tables is limited to four (4) people. 

F. Shoes and shirts must be worn in the building. 

G. Soliciting, selling, and proselytizing are not permitted. (One (1) warning, then dismissal from the library.) 

H. Audio and personal laptop computer equipment may be operated with headphones but must be inaudible to surrounding people. Wireless access is available for personal laptop computer use. 

  I. Cell phones may only be used in the outer lobby area between the two sets of doors or outside the building. 

J. Only a certified or registered service animal for the disabled will be admitted.  Therapy and emotional support animals, and pets are to remain outside the building. 

K. The library is not responsible for personal belongings left unattended. 

L. Smoking or the use of any tobacco or tobacco devices inside the library, outside near any entrance or the outdoor patio area is not permitted. (Ohio Rev. Code § 3794) (One (1) warning, then dismissal from the library.) 

M.  The use of any illegal drug or alcohol is not permitted on library property. 

N. We ask patrons to exit the building at closing time. Please make transportation arrangements prior to closing. 

Thank you for your cooperation. A complete copy of the library’s policy on Behavior in the Library may be obtained at any public service desk.