New Development

The mission of the Columbiana Public Library is to be the primary resource in the community for lifelong learning and recreation through excellence in materials, services, and access. Over the past year, our offerings to the community in outreach, technology, and educational services for all ages has expanded and improved.

The Columbiana Public Library Board of Trustees has concluded that there is a need for a new building addition based on the following:

  • Statistical comparisons and analysis of library and material usage
  • Observation of the current building design and layout
  • Internal review of current and future needs to increase the Library’s ability to serve the community

Statistical Data

The last substantial development to the structure of the library was completed in 2003. This development included the expansion of the Children’s Department and Salchow room. This expansion was adequate for that time, but the community has grown and needs for service have increased.

Population in 2002: 5,603
Population in 2022: 6,559

The community has grown approximately 17%. The city of Columbiana is in a state of steady expansion with 179 new residential buildings constructed or in the process of construction since 2020.

In 2020 the Columbiana Public Library partnered with the Salem Public Library, East Palestine Memorial Public Library, Lepper Library, and Wellsville Carnegie Public Library to create PLUS (Public Libraries Uniting in Service). The goal of PLUS was to join together to provide improved services for our communities at a better cost. PLUS allows for greater and more efficient resource sharing, primarily through interlibrary loan.

Average Circulation of Library Materials

202120222023 2024
Monthly Average Circulation of
Physical and Digital Materials
Monthly Average Interlibrary Loan
Items Received
Monthly Average Interlibrary Loan
Items Sent

In 2020, COVID-19 brought a decrease in patrons visiting the library due to access restrictions in place for a portion of the year. However, there has been a steady increase in the amount of patrons visiting the library, attending programs, and taking part in other library offerings in the years following.

Monthly Visitors to the Library

Monthly Average Visitors3,9274,4435,9637,1898,473

The above chart shows an increase of approximately 116% in the average number of visitors per month from 2020 to 2024.

Monthly Average New Card Registrations

Monthly Average New Card Registrations3745757181

The above chart shows an increase of approximately 119% in the average number of new card registrations per month from 2020 to 2024. Part of this increase in our number of visitors and new card registrations can be allotted to the development of additional programming for the public.

Library Programming Attendance

202120222023 2024
Children’s Programming653 participants
68 programs
1,451 participants
124 programs
1,995 participants
119 programs
2,421 participants
147 programs
Young Adult Programming33 participants
8 programs
202 participants
28 programs
361 participants
40 programs
882 participants
94 programs
Adult Programming153 participants
14 programs
667 participants
45 programs
850 participants
85 programs
1,571 participants
131 programs
Computer Classes
(Provided by CPL Staff)
74 participants
16 programs
147 participants
48 programs
101 participants
16 programs
41 participants
11 programs
Computer Classes
(Provided by Guiding Ohio Online)
N/A9 participants
4 programs
170 participants
32 programs
161 participants
34 programs
Computer Classes (Combined Total)74 participants
16 programs
156 participants
52 programs
271 participants
48 programs
202 participants
45 programs
Additional Technology ProgramsN/A214 participants
3 programs
371 participants
5 programs
599 participants
16 programs
STEM Programming
(Provided by Libraries
Accelerated Learning Grant)
N/AN/A234 participants
29 programs
254 participants
26 programs
After-School Tutoring
(Provided by Libraries
Accelerated Learning Grant)
N/AN/A1,002 students1,314 students

Audience Distribution
Children: 37.5%
Young Adults: 18.3%
Adults: 40.9%
All Ages: 3.4%

Recently the Library began working on extending its services beyond the building by offering technology assistance and additional special programming to assisted living centers, day cares, and schools. The Library also provided community services by hosting a community paper shred event where over 4,631 pounds of paper was shredded. In addition, an eCycle event was held where 14,615 pounds of electronics were recycled. During September of 2024, the Library held two pinewood car races, the Reading Racers, one of which was a Special Needs race. 81 racers and watchers attended the programs.

Outreach Programming Attendance

Adult Outreach21 participants
5 programs
112 participants
14 programs
100 participants
16 programs
YA OutreachN/AN/A50 participants
1 program
Children’s Outreach915 participants
21 programs
950 participants
24 programs
1,224 participants
11 programs
All Ages OutreachN/AN/A1,284 participants
3 programs
Guiding Ohio Online Outreach10 people assisted30 people assisted8 people assisted
Columbiana and Crestview School
Digital Library Card Initiative
86 cards created84 cards created138 cards created

The Library submitted and received a grant through Guiding Ohio Online, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, and the State Library of Ohio in August 2022. This allowed the Library to contract with a Technology Trainer to provide additional technology classes as well as one-on-one technology assistance at the library and through outreach at Harmony Village.

Guiding Ohio Online Computer Class and Outreach Attendance

20222023 2024
Yearly Computer Classes9 attendees
4 programs
170 attendees
32 programs
161 participants
34 programs
Yearly One-on-One Technology Assistance
626 appointments
Yearly Number of Outreach Programs10 people assisted30 people assisted38 people assisted
pie chart depicting the age of attendees for technology assistance

Age of Attendees for Technology Assistance
18-25 Years: 1.1%
26-49 Years: 6.9%
50-60 Years: 9.4%
61-70 Years: 35.1%
70+ Years: 38.6%
All Ages: 2.0%

pie chart depicting the technology assistance type

Technology Assistance Type
Staff Training: 2.0%
General Technology: 3.1%
Technology Class: 5.1%
Other: 7.4%
Library Technology: 11.1%
Computer Help: 33.4%
Device Help: 37.7%

The Library’s meeting rooms have also been in frequent use. In 2022, the meeting rooms were booked an average of 82 times a month. That number increased in 2023 to 120 times a month.

Monthly Community Room Bookings

20222023 2024
Average Monthly Community Room Bookings82120104

The average for 2024 dropped due to the Conference Room being unavailable during construction.

Determination of Needs

As the city of Columbiana and surrounding community continues to grow, so does the Library’s service population. The Library’s new services, programs, and technology are bringing in new patrons from other areas as well. While growth is the ultimate goal of the Library, it has led to a number of challenges within our current building.

Our community rooms are in very high demand. Throughout 2022 and 2023, it was common to have all three rooms in use and still have additional patrons requesting access. Not only has the high demand affected the public, but the staff, who are charged with reserving the rooms find it difficult to meet the needs of the programs provided. The Columbiana Public Library Board of Trustees determined that additional small study rooms were needed, as well as a large programming room dedicated to children and young adult programs.

To expand the study rooms, the Library Board of Trustees chose to add a space adjacent to the Adult Department. This room will have two six-person study rooms and four two-person study rooms placed around its perimeter. In this area, there will be a desk with a reference assistant and small study tables.

With the creation of the children and young adult programming room adjacent to the Children’s Department, there was a need for the children and teens participating in the programs to have restroom availability. Currently, there are plans to create an additional restroom inside the Children’s Department. The restroom will be closer to the programming room than the existing restrooms and will also function as a lactation room for nursing mothers.

Seniors make up a large portion of our service population and they frequently visit the library to socialize, find new titles to read, and attend programs. Therefore, next to the new programming room, there are plans to create a senior room. This room will have comfortable seating for seniors to relax, read, and lounge. The senior room will also be used as a location to host the adult book club meetings and programming.

The Library has been expanding it’s collection of technology services available for patrons to use. The creation of a makerspace will create a permanent home for the collection and allow for it to be easily accessible to patrons. The makerspace will serve as collaborative workspace to use hands-on materials to invent, learn and create. The makerspace will connect to the current computer lab and patrons will be able to walk in and use the technology. Computer classes will be held inside the makerspace when possible.

The Plan For New Space

The following summarizes the plan for the Columbiana Public Library’s new addition.

The plan contains the following features:

  • A large room dedicated for the children’s and young adult’s programming
  • A senior room
  • A makerspace attached to the current computer lab providing a new space for hands-on work with our expanding collection of equipment and a space to host computer classes
  • A block of six study rooms (4 two-person rooms and 2 six-person rooms)
  • A lactation room and children’s restroom in the Children’s Department
  • Additional storage space

You can click the link below to view the images of the current plan.

Overall Plan Updated 02-2024

Construction is starting! View the image below for a tentative schedule:

Image of Chart depicting schedule. Site Prep is July 22 - August 7. Concrete and framing is August 8 - September 4. Trusses and sheathing is September 5 - October 11. Children's restroom is September 16 - October 31. Windows and exterior complete October 14 - October 31. Interior Work October 30 - March 27. Interior work completed and final inspection is March 28 - April 3.

updated January 24, 2025