Second Chance

  1. The Second Chance Card can only be applied for once by a patron.
  2. The charges on the account must be greater than $25.00.
  3. At the beginning of the Second Chance program, you will only be able to check out two (2) items at a time for two (2) months. This does not include mobile hotspots, telescopes, or passes. You will have full access to the library’s digital materials.
  4. After the first two months are over, your account will become a New Patron account and be able to check out up to ten (10) items at a time for two (2) months. This does not include mobile hotspots or telescopes. You will have full access to the library’s digital materials.
  5. After the two months as a New Patron are over, your account will be reviewed by Library staff. If you do not have any long overdue items and your account is in good standing, you will become a Public Patron with full access to the library. Your previous account will have all charges removed.
    • If your account does have long overdue items, then those items will need to be returned before your card becomes a Public card.
    • If your account has more than $25.00 in fees, the account will be blocked until you pay your previous fines on your existing account and the new ones that accrued.
  6. The Library Director reserves the right to refuse any applicants for the Second Chance Card or cease their eligibility in the program at any time.

If you are interested in applying for the Second Chance Card, please contact the library by phone or stop by to speak to our Head of Circulation!