Tech Talk sessions are tailored to meet the specific needs of the individual. Book a 30-minute appointment with our Technology Trainers to have in-depth technical assistance on topics such as starting an email account, smart devices, downloading e-books and audiobooks, using the Internet, or other computer basics.
Our Tech Trainer, Michael, will be available Monday-Wednesday and Friday from 10 AM – 5 PM.
This project is funded in part by the Guiding Ohio Online Grant provided by the federal Institute of Museum and Library Services Library and Services and Technology Act funds, granted through the State Library of Ohio.
Click on the links below to obtain the information on each topic.
Library Resource Classes:
Library Catalog 101
Library Databases
Using Hoopla & Libby
Microsoft Office:
Microsoft Excel Level 1
Microsoft Excel Level 2
Microsoft Excel Level 3
Microsoft Word Basics
Mobile Devices:
Android Basics
iPhone Basics
iPhone Tips & Tricks
Writing Classes:
Letter Writing
Resume Building
Typing Class
Social Media:
Facebook Basics
Having Fun with Pinterest
Intro to Social Media
Computer Basics:
Computer Basics
Computer Maintenance
Cybersecurity Basics
Email Basics
File Maintenance
Internet Basics
Intro to Cloud Storage
Using Windows 10
Recreational Software:
Advanced Googling
Beginner Cricut
Buying and Selling on eBay
Cutting the Cord
Explore with Google Earth
Photo Management
Using Google Drive